In This Story

D.C.-area dance enthusiasts are invited to witness talented young dancers perform spectacular works from world-renowned choreographers this spring during the 2023 Mason Dance Company Gala Concert performances. This eagerly anticipated highlight of the season showcases George Mason University School of Dance students in four thrilling and technically demanding works choreographed by some of the biggest names in dance: Robert Battle (Awakening), Rafael Bonachela (Variation 10), Doug Varone (Double Octet and Manuel Vignoulle (Black and White. The Mason Dance Company Gala Concert performances are on Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25 at 8 p.m. at the Center for the Arts.
“We are so proud of our talented young artists, who are embracing the opportunity to perform works by some of the most influential choreographers of our time,” shares the Director of the Mason School of Dance Karen Reedy.
She continues, “This diverse and riveting program is comprised of four distinct works: Robert Battle’s Awakening is a driving, primal, and rhythmic work for 12 dancers set to a score by composer John Mackey; Double Octet, by Doug Varone takes audiences on a kinesthetic journey of sweeping and swirling motion; Manuel Vignoulle’s Black and White is a very personal duet inspired by the differences two individuals bring to a relationship including gender, culture, background and energy; and Rafael Bonachela’s Variation 10 is a musically sensitive work, rich in nuance and intricate movement vocabulary. This work was originally set to be performed in 2020 when the pandemic hit, so it is very special to our Mason dance community to finally share it.”
Double Octet will also be performed during the Doug Varone and Dancers performance at the Center for the Arts on February 18, featuring eight students from Mason’s School of Dance performing alongside the professional company. The Mason Dance Company Gala Concert performances of Double Octet reprises the work featuring 17 Mason dance students.
Held prior to the March 25 Dance Gala Concert performance, the Mason Dance Fête is an intimate benefit event to showcase Mason dancers and the Gala Concert program. Guests of the Fête are invited into rehearsal studios to see sections of the soon-to-be-performed works, as well as insights about the choreographer and the work itself. All net proceeds from the Mason Dance Fête go toward the School of Dance scholarship fund. The event will include a reception with wine, hors d’oeuvres, and dessert, catered by Well Dunn.